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Ken Arnold (1) (1958–)

Forfatter af The Java Programming Language

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Arnold, Kenneth Cutts Richard Cabot



Indeholder "1 A Quick Tour"; "1.1 Getting Started"; "1.2 Variables"; "1.3 Comments in Code"; "1.4 Named Constants"; "1.5 Unicode Characters"; "1.6 Flow of Control"; "1.7 Classes and Objects"; "1.7.1 Creating Objects"; "1.7.2 Static or Class Fields"; "1.7.3 The Garbage Collector"; "1.8 Methods and Parameters"; "1.8.1 Invoking a Method"; "1.8.2 The this Reference"; "1.8.3 Static or Class Methods"; "1.9 Arrays"; "1.10 String Objects"; "1.11 Extending a Class"; "1.11.1 Invoking Methods from the Superclass"; "1.11.2 The Object Class"; "1.11.3 Type Casting"; "1.12 Interfaces"; "1.13 Exceptions"; "1.14 Packages"; "1.15 The Java Platform"; "1.16 Other Topics Briefly Noted";
"2 Classes and Objects"; "2.1 A Simple Class"; "2.1.1 Class Members"; "2.1.2 Class Modifiers"; "2.2 Fields"; "2.2.1 Field Initialization"; "2.2.2 Static Fields"; "2.2.3 Final Fields"; "2.3 Access Control"; "2.4 Creating Objects"; "2.5 Construction and Initialization"; "2.5.1 Constructors"; "2.5.2 Initialization Blocks"; "2.5.3 Static Initialization"; "2.6 Methods"; "2.6.1 Static Methods"; "2.6.2 Method Invocations"; "2.6.3 Method Execution and Return"; "2.6.4 Parameter Values"; "2.6.5 Using Methods to Control Access"; "2.7 This"; "2.8 Overloading Methods"; "2.9 The Main Method"; "2.10 Native Methods";
"3 Extending Classes"; "3.1 An Extended Class"; "3.2 Constructors in Extended Classes"; "3.2.1 Constructor order Dependencies"; "3.3 Inheriting and Redefining Members"; "3.3.1 Overriding"; "3.3.2 Hiding Fields"; "3.3.3 Accessing Inherited Members"; "3.3.4 Accessibility and Overriding"; "3.3.5 Hiding Static Members"; "3.3.6 The super Keyword"; "3.4 Type Compatibility and Conversion"; "3.4.1 Compatibility"; "3.4.2 Explicit Type Casting"; "3.4.3 Testing for Type"; "3.5 What protected Really Means"; "3.6 Marking Methods and Classes Final"; "3.7 Abstract Classes and Methods"; "3.8 The Object Class"; "3.9 Cloning Objects"; "3.9.1 Strategies for Cloning"; "3.9.2 Correct Cloning"; "3.9.3 Shallow versus Deep Cloning"; "3.10 Extending Classes: How and When"; "3.11 Designing a Class to be Extended"; "3.11.1 Designing an Extensible Framework"; "3.12 Single Inheritance versus Multiple Inheritance";
"4 Interfaces"; "4.1 A Simple Interface Example"; "4.2 Interface Declarations"; "4.2.1 Interface Constants"; "4.2.2 Interface Methods"; "4.2.3 Interface Modifiers"; "4.3 Extending Interfaces"; "4.3.1 Inheriting and Hiding Constants"; "4.3.2 Inheriting, Overriding, and Overloading Methods"; "4.4 Working With Interfaces"; "4.4.1 Implementing Interfaces"; "4.4.2 Using an Implementation"; "4.5 Marker Interfaces"; "4.6 When to Use Interfaces";
"5 Nested Classes and Interfaces"; "5.1 Static Nested Types"; "5.1.1 Static Nested Classes"; "5.1.2 Nested Interfaces"; "5.2 Inner Classes"; "5.2.1 Accessing Enclosing Objects"; "5.2.2 Extending Inner Classes"; "5.2.3 Inheritance, scoping, and Hiding"; "5.3 Local Inner Classes"; "5.4 Anonymous Inner Classes"; "5.5 Inheriting Nested Types"; "5.6 Nesting in Interfaces"; "5.6.1 Modifiable Variables in Interfaces"; "5.7 Implementation of Nested Types";
"6 Tokens, Operators, and Expressions"; "6.1 Lexical Elements"; "6.1.1 Character Set"; "6.1.2 Comments"; "6.1.3 Tokens"; "6.1.4 Identifiers"; "6.1.5 Keywords"; "6.2 Types and Literals"; "6.2.1 Reference Literals"; "6.2.2 Boolean Literals"; "6.2.3 Character Literals"; "6.2.4 Integer Literals"; "6.2.5 Floating-point Literals"; "6.2.6 String Literals"; "6.2.7 Class Literals"; "6.3 Variables"; "6.3.1 Field and Local Variable Declarations"; "6.3.2 Parameter Variables"; "6.3.3 Final Variables"; "6.4 Array Variables"; "6.4.1 Array Modifiers"; "6.4.2 Arrays of Arrays"; "6.4.3 Array Initialization"; "6.4.4 Arrays and Types"; "6.5 The Matnings of Names"; "6.6 Arithmetic Operations"; "6.6.1 Integer Arithmetic"; "6.6.2 Floating-point Arithmetic"; "6.6.3 Strict and Non-strict Floating-point Arithmetic"; "6.7 General Operators"; "6.7.1 Increment and Decrement Operators"; "6.7.2 Relational and Equality Operators"; "6.7.3 Logical Operators"; "6.7.4 Instanceof"; "6.7.5 Bit Manipulation Operators"; "6.7.6 The Conditional Operator?:"; "6.7.7 Assignment Operators"; "6.7.8 String Concatenation Operator"; "6.7.9 New"; "6.8 Expressions"; "6.8.1 Order of Evaluation"; "6.8.2 Expression Type"; "6.8.3 Implicit Type Conversions"; "6.8.4 Explicit Type Casts"; "6.8.5 String Conversions"; "6.9 Member Access"; "6.9.1 Finding the Right Method"; "6.10 Operator Precedence and Associativity";
"7 Control Flow"; "7.1 Statements and Blocks"; "7.2 if-else"; "7.3 switch"; "7.4 while and do-while"; "7.5 for"; "7.6 Labels"; "7.7 break"; "7.8 continue"; "7.9 return"; "7.10 What, No Goto?";
"8 Exceptions"; "8.1 Creating Exception Types"; "8.2 Throw"; "8.2.1 Transfer of Control"; "8.2.2 Asynchronous Exceptions"; "8.3 The Throws Clause"; "8.3.1 Throws Clauses and Method Overriding"; "8.3.2 Throws Clauses and Native Methods"; "8.4 Try, catch, and Finally"; "8.4.1 Finally"; "8.5 When to Use Exceptions";
"9 Strings"; "9.1 Basic String Operations"; "9.2 String Comparisons"; "9.2.1 String Literal Equivalence"; "9.3 Utility Methods"; "9.4 Making Related Strings"; "9.5 String Conversions"; "9.6 Strings and Char Arrays"; "9.7 Strings and Byte Arrays"; "9.7.1 Character Encodings"; "9.8 The Stringbuffer Class"; "9.8.1 Modifying the Buffer"; "9.8.2 Getting Data Out"; "9.8.3 Capacity Management";
"10 Threads"; "10.1 Creating Threads"; "10.2 Using Runnable"; "10.3 Synchronization"; "10.3.1 Synchronized Methods"; "10.3.2 Static Synchronized Methods"; "10.3.3 Synchronized Statements"; "10.3.4 Synchronization Designs"; "10.4 Wait, notifyall, and notify"; "10.5 Details of Waiting and Notification"; "10.6 Thread Scheduling"; "10.6.1 Voluntary Rescheduling"; "10.7 Deadlocks"; "10.8 Ending Thread Execution"; "10.8.1 Cancelling a Thread"; "10.8.2 Waiting For a Thread To Complete"; "10.9 Ending Application Execution"; "10.10 Volatile"; "10.11 Thread Management, Security and ThreadGroup"; "10.12 Threads and Exceptions"; "10.12.1 Don't Stop"; "10.13 Threadlocal Variables"; "10.14 Debugging Threads";
"11 Programming With Types"; "11.1 Wrapper Classes"; "11.1.1 Void"; "11.1.2 Boolean"; "11.1.3 Character"; "11.1.4 Number"; "11.1.5 The Integer Wrappers"; "11.1.6 The Floating-point Wrapper Classes"; "11.2 Reflection"; "11.2.1 The Class Class"; "11.2.2 Naming Classes"; "11.2.3 Examining Class Members"; "11.2.4 The Modifier Class"; "11.2.5 The Field Class"; "11.2.6 The Method Class"; "11.2.7 Creating New Objects and The Constructor Class"; "11.2.8 Access Checking and Accessibleobject"; "11.2.9 Arrays"; "11.2.10 Packages"; "11.2.11 The Proxy Class"; "11.3 Loading Classes"; "11.3.1 The Classloader Class"; "11.3.2 Preparing a Class For Use"; "11.3.3 Loading Related Resources";
"12 Garbage Collection and Memory"; "12.1 Garbage Collection"; "12.2 A Simple Model"; "12.3 Fonalization"; "12.3.1 Resurrecting Objects During Finalize"; "12.4 Interacting With The Garbage Collector"; "12.5 Reachability States and Reference Objects"; "12.5.1 The Reference Class"; "12.5.2 Strengths of Reference and Reachability"; "12.5.3 Reference Queues";
"13 Packages"; "13.1 Package Naming"; "13.2 Type Imports"; "13.3 Package Access"; "13.3.1 Accessibility and Overriding Methods"; "13.4 Package Contents"; "13.5 Package Objects and Specifications";
"14 Documentation Comments"; "14.1 The Anatomy of a Doc Comment"; "14.2 Tags"; "14.2.1 @see"; "14.2.2 {@link}"; "14.2.3 @param"; "14.2.4 @return"; "14.2.5 @throws and @exception"; "14.2.6 @deprecated"; "14.2.7 @author"; "14.2.8 @version"; "14.2.9 @since"; "14.2.10 {@docroot}"; "14.3 An Example"; "14.4 External Conventions"; "14.4.1 Overview and Package Documentation"; "14.4.2 The Doc-files Directory"; "14.5 Notes On Usage";
"15 The I/o Package"; "15.1 Byte Streams"; "15.1.1 InputStream"; "15.1.2 OutputStream"; "15.2 Character Streams"; "15.2.1 Rreader"; "15.2.2 Writer"; "15.2.3 Character Streams and The Standard Streams"; "15.3 InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter"; "15.4 A Quick Tour of the Stream Classes"; "15.4.1 Synchronization and Concurrency"; "15.4.2 Filter Streams"; "15.4.3 Buffered Streams"; "15.4.4 Piped Streams"; "15.4.5 Bytearray Byte Streams"; "15.4.6 Chararray Character Streams"; "15.4.7 String Character Streams"; "15.4.8 Print Streams"; "15.4.9 LineNumberReader"; "15.4.10 SequenceInputStream"; "15.4.11 Pushback Streams"; "15.4.12 StreamTokenizer"; "15.5 The Data Byte Streams"; "15.5.1 Datainput and Dataoutput"; "15.5.2 The Data Stream Classes"; "15.6 Working With Files"; "15.6.1 File Streams and FileDescriptor"; "15.6.2 RandomAccessFile"; "15.6.3 The File Class"; "15.6.4 FilenameFilter and FileFilter"; "15.7 Object Serialization"; "15.7.1 The Object Byte Streams"; "15.7.2 Making Your Classes Serializable"; "15.7.3 Serialization and Deserialization Order"; "15.7.4 Customized Serialization"; "15.7.5 Object Versioning"; "15.7.6 Serialized Fields"; "15.7.7 The Externalizable Interface"; "15.7.8 Documentation Comment Tags"; "15.8 The IOException Classes";
"16 Collections"; "16.1 Collections"; "16.1.1 Exception Conventions"; "16.2 Iteration"; "16.3 Ordering Using Comparable and Comparator"; "16.4 The Collection Interface"; "16.5 Set and SortedSet"; "16.5.1 HashSet"; "16.5.2 TreeSet"; "16.6 List"; "16.6.1 ArrayList"; "16.6.2 LinkedList"; "16.7 Map and Sortedmap"; "16.7.1 HashMap"; "16.7.2 TreeMap"; "16.7.3 WeakHashMap"; "16.8 Wrapped Collections Class"; "16.8.1 The Synchronization Wrappers"; "16.8.2 The Unmodifiable Wrappers"; "16.8.3 The Collections Utlities"; "16.9 The Arrays Utility Class"; "16.10 Writing Iterator Implementations"; "16.11 Writing Collection Implementations"; "16.12 The Legacy Collection Types"; "16.12.1 Enumeration"; "16.12.2 Vector"; "16.12.3 Stack"; "16.12.4 Dictionary"; "16.12.5 Hashtable"; "16.13 Properties";
"17 Miscellaneous Utilities"; "17.1 Bitset"; "17.2 Observer/Observable"; "17.3 Random"; "17.4 StringTokenizer"; "17.5 Timer and TimerTask"; "17.6 Math and StrictMath";
"18 System Programming"; "18.1 The System Class"; "18.1.1 Standard I/O Streams"; "18.1.2 System Properties"; "18.1.3 Utility Methods"; "18.2 Creating Processes"; "18.2.1 The Process Class"; "18.2.2 Process Environments"; "18.2.3 Portability"; "18.3 Shutdown"; "18.3.1 Shutdown Hooks"; "18.3.2 The Shutdown Sequence"; "18.3.3 Shutdown Strategies"; "18.4 The Rest of the Runtime"; "18.4.1 Loading Native Code"; "18.4.2 Debugging"; "18.5 Security"; "18.5.1 The SecurityManager Class"; "18.5.2 Permissions"; "18.5.3 Security Policies"; "18.5.4 Access Controllers and Privileged Execution";
"19 Internationalization and Localization"; "19.1 Locale"; "19.2 Resource Bundles"; "19.2.1 ListResourceBundle"; "19.2.2 PropertyResourceBundle"; "19.2.3 Subclassing ResourceBundle"; "19.3 Time, Dates, and Calendars"; "19.3.1 Calendars"; "19.3.2 Time Zones"; "19.3.3 GregorianCalendar and SimpleTimeZone"; "19.4 Formatting and Parsing Dates and Times"; "19.5 Internationalization and Localization For Text"; "19.5.1 Collation"; "19.5.2 Formatting and Parsing"; "19.5.3 Text Boundaries"
"20 Standard Packages"; "20.1 java.awt-The Abstract Window Toolkit"; "20.2 java.applet-Applets"; "20.3 java.beans-Components"; "20.4 java.math-Mathematics"; "20.5 Network"; "20.6 java.rmi-Remote Method Invocation"; "20.7 Tools"; "20.8 java.sql-Relational Database Access"; "20.9 Utility Subpackages"; "20.9.1 Archive Files-java.util.jar"; "20.9.2 Zip"; "20.10 javax.*-Standard Extensions"; "20.11 javax.accessibility-Accessibility for GUIs"; "20.12 javax.naming-Directory and Naming Services"; "20.13 javax.sound-Sound Manipulation"; "20.14 javax.swing-Swing GUI Components"; "20.15 org.omg.CORBA-CORBA APIs";
"A Runtime Exceptions"; "A.1 RuntimeException Classes"; "A.2 Error Classes";
"B Useful Tables"; "Table 1: Keywords"; "Table 2: Operator Precedence";
"Table 3: Unicode Digits"; "Table 4: Unicode Letters and Digits"; "Table 5: Special Characters Using"; "Table 6: Documentation Comment Tags"; "Table 7: Unicode Character Blocks"; "Table 8: Required Character Encodings";
"Further Reading";

Java sproget er beskrevet grundigt, men derfra og til at elske sproget er der et stykke. Specielt hvis man skal lave fejlfinding på javaprogrammer.
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bnielsen | 3 andre anmeldelser | Sep 6, 2011 |

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